In our first exhibition of 2024, everything revolves around perception - paintings and photographs come together to question and expand our understanding of reality. more...
With the new series "Digital Painting - Landscapes of the Swabian Alb" I applied for the tender of the Ministry of Science, Research and Art of the State of Baden Württemberg. The application stated that I use new techniques in my photography, which focus on the chosen location from above as well as from all sides and many angles, from far away and in close detail. more...
Katalog 56 Seiten, Herausgeber:Wolf Nkole Helzle (mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Stiftung "Schlösschen im Hofgarten", Wertheim, Einführung Betha Maier-Kraushaar. Gestaltung WELLHOLZ, 2020.
TOTAL VALUES in the summer gallery with Micha Ullman – Paul Uwe Dreyer - Jochen Brandt – Edmee Delsol – Alf Setzer – Klaus Prior – Romuald Hengstler – Rudolf Wachter und andere DIALOG #02 in the atelier with Wolf Nkole Helzle & Masayuki Akamatsu more...
Masayuki Akamatsu (Japan) + Wolf Nkole Helzle (Germany). For 15 years the Japanese media artist and professor at IAMAS Masayuki Akamatsu and the German media artist Wolf Nkole Helzle have been working together in many projects, mutual visits and exhibitions. more...
March 2019: WALKS in Kyoto, Himeji, Nara, Tokyo and Izu Peninsula more...
A series of nine pictures of trees on a snow-covered landscape of the Swabian Alb, found and captured with a flying camera more...
Presence with new works at Art Karlsruhe on the stand of Kunsthaus Fischer, Stuttgart more...
"My love for the mountains is almost as old as I am myself, as my mountaineering father took me on his tours early on. At the beginning of September 2018, after many years, I went into the Ötztal Alps, the Kaunertal, the Gepatschhaus station and from there I explored two tours: to the Seeles lakes and to the Glockturm (3,353 m). more...