media artist

DIALOG #02 [10.5-12.05.2019]

Masayuki Akamatsu (Japan) + Wolf Nkole Helzle (Germany)

Opening 10. Mai 2019, um 18 Uhr

For 15 years the Japanese media artist and professor at IAMAS Masayuki Akamatsu and the German media artist Wolf Nkole Helzle have been working together in many projects, mutual visits and exhibitions. In March 2019 Helzle was again in Japan for a joint exhibition in Kyoto, Himeji and Nara. The results of this productive journey will be presented to the public in the Atelier im Petrushof.

You are cordially invited.

opening hours: Saturday, 11.5. and Sunday, 12.5. 11 to 18 and by appointment

Atelier im Petrushof
Maiertorweg 12 (Eingang gegenüber Schulgasse 6)
89611 Obermarchtal
0170 - 188 71 40