In Helzles Self Portraits missing the look in the mirror, self configuration seems hidden. Helzle refers to an ancient Indian wisdom: "What you see is what you is" and explored - self-testing - the world. Over a period of 365 days (from May 2010 to May 2011), the artist was trying to break away from the narcissistic self-image and to take his life - every image, every day is a different sensation, a new encounter. Noticeably, the immediacy of his perception. more...
Helzles series shows twelve women in an upright position, 60 x 80 cm, supposedly classical busts, larger than life. Landscape Photography alienated her calm features - as they have received a second face. Branches and bark equally fine veins frames her senses. more...
As mosaics seem the monumental murals of "Points of View", which Helzle developed in cooperation with the photographer Luca Siermann. They are also portraits. The body views of the models are created using 360-degree photography, body height divided into nine sections, each level arising in the orbit of the body nine shots at intervals of 40 degrees. The model stands on a turntable, the results are each 81 individual shots. more...
Participatory work from 1997 to 2010. Contributions of Dr. Rita Tauber, Dr. René Hirner, Kurt Laurenz Theinert, Ricarda Geib and Simone Young, translations of Rebecca van Dyck.
German / English, 64 pages, 21 x 29.7 cm,
An interactive video installation by Wolf Nkole Helzle.
A parable on the life and perception of reality: Visitors can see only that part of the projected video on the wall, which "hides" their face surface. When no one acts as a connector in space, nothing is to be seen and also the sound ceases. more...
An interactive media installation by Masayuki Akamatsu and Wolf Nkole Helzle
International teamwork: The two media artists Masayuki Akamatsu (Japan) and Wolf Nkole Helzle (Germany) designed a new media artwork together. It deals with the recognition of our individuality in relation to humankind and interacts with the audience. more...
Wolf Nkole Helzle and Masayuki Akamatsu, 2009
The interactive installation showing 256 video portraits of different people trying to think nothing, so attempting to let what most solely the world seems to be constituted. The viewer is witness of impressive portraits of almost hypnotic intensity and vulnerability. more...
Catalog "Homo Donzdorfensis" of the town Donzdorf, 2009
An art project by Wolf Nkole Helzle with the participation of 100 citizens of the city Donzdorf
One hears or reads the title of this art project for the first time, has probably most directly the question: Who or what is this "homo donzdorfensis"? How does it look? And how does this relate to me, what it has to do with Donzdorf?