The State Castles and Gardens of Baden-Württemberg / Schussenried had with the exhibition 'ICH BIN WIR_I AM WE and the face ob Oberschwaben' - media art by Wolf Nkole Helzle - over 10,000 visitors.
The solo exhibition was curated by Ricarda Geib, which was opened on April 4, 2014 by 17 clock (to 27 July 2014).

A gallery of faces waiting for the visitor, there are thousands: Faces on the verge of being a child, soft and prägsam, faces adolescence with stern features and joyful laughter, shy, secretive faces, Curly hair, wearing glasses, bearded and Babies - faces, challenges of being. The act of photographing, the 'face-to-face' of model and photographer gives the portrayed stability, voltage, power. They form dynamic, open series, which could continue indefinitely. Their directness is disarming, the frontal view suggests nearby. Noticeably, the immediately Arousing the photo shoot. 'Ich bin Wir_I am We' is a comprehensive exhibition of mixed media artist Wolf Nkole Helzle. The programmatic title refers to its participatory projects. The exhibition in the former monastery cells of the most important stages of his artistic career in an as yet unseen scope, including key works as the 'Homo Universalis' with a 2249 faces scoring gallery, deliquescent countenance the morph and Helzles remarkable self-portraits. Interactive installations, among kaleidoscopic fragmented portraits and portraits sightless eyes without a face - a wide range! The artist shows inner and open faces, poetic abstractions, meta- and anti-portraits. They are always part of a whole - some prefer over as morphing, slip away to a shadow or form, layer by layer, a new face, a collective being. Helzle it comes to Feel the hard way. Exhaustion, affection, joy, pride and pain are part of his art. In his face-to-face visualizations of the artist appeals to our own vulnerability, ou r'dünne Haut', our desire for experience a physical reality beyond language and its conventions.