4. international I AM WE_exhibition, _symposium and_usermeeting20. – 27. 5. 2015 in Luxembourg
I am very pleased to announce today the next year's event to all of you, after visiting Luxembourg again at the weekend. Volker Strauss is the pastor of the protestant church there and he invited us to come to Luxembourg next year. As you perhaps know, Volker is the pastor who married us 12 years ago in Stuttgart. And some of you know him already because of his speech at the 1. usermeeting in Stuttgart 2012 at the a+ gallery.
Every year we have a theme for our meetings. Already in Turku we spoke about “encounters” for the next year event. Encounters are one of the most important parts of this global net art project. I´ve got so many messages about the meeting of you people around the globe. From this encounters new possibilities arises, new horizons were build. So Luxembourg is such a small country in the middle of Europe with 50% “foreigners”. It´s a really good place for us and together with Volker and his connections to many different population- and faith layers perfect for this theme, so we´ll meet many different worldviews. And bring in our own ones. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg)
This are the ideas and the program up to now (changes are possible):
I AM WE_exhibition
- For the next exhibition there is the idea not to make an exhibition with individual printed pictures at the wall but a collective digital art piece together, projected in public space.
- Therefore you are invited to come to Luxembourg some days earlier (for example from the 20th on). You can be part of two guided tours with the city guide Rita Kordes-Gerth through this amazing town, history and space. After it you know Luxembourg “as your pocket”.
- Your photos will be uploaded on a server. At the end a 3D-Mosaic will be generated out of less or more 10.000 pictures. This moving mosaic will be projected in public space. You can have a look at an example here: http://www.my-matrix.org/wnh_201401/
I AM WE_symposium
- Volker offer us the meeting hall of his parish with three working rooms, a kitchen and a lovely balcony. Fully equipped with a video projector, tables, chairs and photocopier. Totally possible for up to 40 people. (http://www.protestant.lu/)
The content idea is to encounter people and their Menschenbild (human image?). Volker suggests to visit four leaders/communities of different religions like Bahai, Jews, Moslem, Tibetans (for example). Luxembourg is a multicultural town with around 150 different nationalities. And it is actual from big interest to know more about different points of view. - The other four to six speeches / workshops will be organized by ourselves like Justus Theinert´s human image of “unintentional action” or Karin Fietzek´s knowledge of TaiJi.
I AM WE_usermeeting
- I reserved 20 places in the Luxembourg youth hostel. It is very nice and cheap and nearby the citycenter and the meeting house. Together with breakfast we have to pay € 22.65 per night and person and we also can have group meal for the evening (group price). (http://youthhostels.lu/de/jugendherbergen/jugendherberge-luxemburg)
- I spoke with Nuray and I think we´ll have her JAMsession again like in Turku (it is an old Turkish tradition that everybody bring in some food as he can. Nuray and her team collect it and distribute it so that everybody get the same.
- On Saturday evening we´ll have a party together with Volker and his wife Regine and their daughters Lillie and Leonie and others at the meeting house.
I AM WE_sightseeing
- On WhitMonday we´ll have a tour to an amazing nature area, the “Hochmoor Hohes Venn” (http://www.naturpark-eifel.de/go/eifel-inhalt_detail/german/Landschaften/Hohes_Venn/72_hochmoore_im_hohen_venn.html ) and we want to visit a very special exhibition, the collection Staichen “the family of men”. (http://www.steichencollections.lu/en/the-family-of-man)
- On WhitTuesday we´ll visit a UNESCO world heritage, the so called “Echternacher Springprozession”. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dancing_procession_of_Echternach)
And here is the expected calendar:
Wednesday May 20. |
Thursday May 21. |
Friday May 22. |
Saturday May 23. |
Sunday May 24. |
Monday May 25. |
Tuesday May 26. |
Wednesday May 27. |
Check In |
Check Out |
Guided Tour I, Photo-shooting |
Guided Tour II, Photo-shooting |
Photo-shooting |
Symposium 2 visits, JAM-session, 2 other themes |
Symposium 2 visits, JAM-session, 2-3 other themes |
Sight-seeing I, Group-lunching |
Sight-seeing II, Group-lunching |
Group-dining |
Group-dining |
Vernissage, Music, Human Image I by Volker Strauss |
Party |
Group-dining |
Group-dining |
Group-dining |