The series "Circle" was born in Beijing 2015, together with famous students of the College of Art and Design more...
Katalog 96 Seiten, Herausgeber: Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen. Katalogtext Dr. Anne Krefting. Gestaltung Ariane Ritter, 2015.
Fuer die Arbeit Face of Fraunhofer wurden Mitarbeiter/innen eingeladen, am Projekt teilzunehmen. Die Aufnahmen fanden in 5 Tagen im Juli 2015 an vier Standorte in Fuerth, Dresden, Nuernberg und Erlangen. Eingebettet in eine komplexe Organisations- und Kommunikationsstruktur ist der Prozess der Begegnung konstitutiv fuer die Qualitaet von Helzleās Arbeiten. more...
The One and the Many - an artistic interaction and lecturing with and at the College of Art and Design at the Beijing University of Technology, China more...
Homo universalis - performative photographic project with the population of Endingen, Germany more...
9. - 12. 4. 2015 Messe Stuttgart Trade Fair: The ONE WORLD FAMILY foundation has been working for years of exemplary activities and projects whose goal is a world without violence, hunger and discrimination, without racial, cultural and religious barriers. So she invited this year the project HOMO UNIVERSALIS onto their fair presence. Wolf Nkole Helzle portray the visitors with his camera. more...
Homo Universalis is like a picture of a higher order, a floating icon. It gives the portrayed a new, common identity. The Today is exceeded on a future which is not tangible. Since 2009, the artist works on "multiple portraits." Scintillating between individual and collective Helzle organized duality and bring them into balance, the ego becomes We. Multiple portraits reflect a different reality than that of the individual. more...
A collaborative photo project by media artist Wolf Nkole Helzle for the opening of the Welcome Center Stuttgart with the participation of all groups and nationalities of the Stuttgart Region. more...
2004 Wolf Nkole Helzle was invited to the Biennale "Media_City_Seoul" with his work "... and I am a part". At that time he photographed with the support of many students over 800 people in and around Seoul. 2013 came the invitation to participate in the DMZ exhibition 60. anniversary of the war's end. more...
Homo universalis - Welcome to the Museum Biedermann.
A performative photographic art project by Wolf Nkole Helzle in the reading room, curated by Simone Jung.
At the opening of the exhibition "Light games in the Museum Biedermann" and on certain days and events in their further course, visitors are invited to become part of the worldwide, performative photography project "homo universalis"
Wolf Nkole Helzle is invited to photograph the population of Hashima, Japan. The portraits all flow in the MEDIA ART PIECE "... and I am a part", which is listed on Hashima Festival 2014. Provided are two large projections in urban space. At the opening, there is a Visual Music along with a Japanese drum group. more...