media artist

Nepal. Kathmandu. Rajesh Shahi calls me by video call to ask if I am willing to photograph the pupils of his Sanga Sangai school. No sooner said than done: more...

Real encounters can also take place online. Taking a photo takes max. 2 minutes. There is no queue. You release your photo. And so the media artist is now available online :from 2 - 30.11.2020 from 14-16 clock CET After completion of the project at the end of November 2020, the results will be shown both here online on this site and in Wolf Helzle's next exhibition. more...

Katalog 60 Seiten, Herausgeber: Wolf Nkole Helzle, Einführung Ricarda Geib. Gestaltung WELLHOLZ, 2020.
For centuries, the genre of the portrait remained determined by Cartesian thought: "cogito ergo sum". Faces were considered the key to identification. Helzle broke with the topos of unity, the inviolability of the self. more...

Following an inner voice, the internationally operating media artist Wolf Nkole Helzle is releasing a limited and signed edition of his series of works "Homo universalis - The Image of Man" in order to use the proceeds to relieve the suffering of the people in the Moria camp on Lesbos. "The situation of the refugees gets to me so much that I ask myself what I can do to help these people." more...

Katalog 56 Seiten, Herausgeber:Wolf Nkole Helzle (mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Stiftung "Schlösschen im Hofgarten", Wertheim, Einführung Betha Maier-Kraushaar. Gestaltung WELLHOLZ, 2020.

A group of artists, musicians and sound designers encounter the landscapes of the Swabian Alb. The dialogues and introductions that take place in this way form the basis for a variety of productions. The website provides insights into inspections, field recordings and artistic realisations. more...

100 km walking, 2.200 photographs, 12 pictures: Rome Walks 2019 more...

"myMatrix in Birmingham" at the Yangpyeong Museum of Art, South Korea more...

With a flying camera I slowly climb up at selected places and slowly return to the ground. more...

New music, sound sculpture, post-punk and performance from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Germany - rich in contrast and discursive. Over a period of six months, an international and transdisciplinary team from the fields of music and video will create a performative concert format that sheds light on the special features of the cultural scenes in Kinshasa and Germany and allows dialogue to take place. more...